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14 January 2016

Lifes lessons good or bad should be well utilized.

As we grow older we go through phases in our lives. Changes and experiences that mould us. Some of which are painful, some joyful, some valuable and some outright regrettable. All the things we experience in various chapters or stages in our lives lead us to make choices which in turn serve to shape who we become in life and how we affect people we come in contact with.

I recently went down nostalgia lane (everyone of us from time to time has been down that lane right?), I relived some great experiences. that either put a smile or outright laugh that made me look like a  crazy person to the people around me at the time. Then I thought of the terrible but useful ones. No, that's not a typo. I consider all my experiences useful, especially the ones that were I equipped with a time machine or gifted an opportunity to go back in time I'd never tread such paths. But then again, zero experience then zero lesson learned. Popular rumor has it that "everything happens for a reason" ergo, all my joys and pain and regrets happened to shape and make me into the person I am today. That includes my damn tummy. An absolute joy to feast on them chicken laps and everyday gets painful to look at myself in the mirror.

Permit me to share some lessons I have learned from my experiences and from the experiences of others.

1. Listen more than you speak: Everyone has something to say, everyone wants to be heard, but remember, even a fool is said to be wise if he keeps quiet. If your words will add no value, do not speak.

2. Worry Never: Worrying is like a rocking chair, it takes you no where. Most importantly it steals your peace.

3. Forgive Easily: My mantra has always been "he who can't forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must cross"... Let it go. I know, you're  all thinking "hey, that's Elsa. That's Frozen". like I said, vicarious experiences.

4. Don't compare yourself to others: I personally think the worse kind of foolishness there is, is to compare oneself to another. We are uniquely designed dammit.

5. Owe no man anything: (I use man here in the general biblical sense, but for the benefit of those that want to take my words literally, it is equally uncool to owe Woman). There's no freedom as that that comes from knowing you are not indebted to anyone. Pay off debt, it liberates you.

6. Read Books: There's a vast knowledge of things to be learnt, and there's no where else to find it than in books. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Someone rightly said "He who will not read is more to be pitied than he who can't read".

7. Be Generous: Give to the hungry food, give to the sick comfort, give to the heartless love, give to the lost direction. Give to everyone.

8. Love Genuinely. Love everyone.

9.Practice Feng Shui: Don't pile up or clutter, get rid of anything that you don't need.

10. You can't please everyone.  But do your best live at peace with everyone. Read zen words of an author once that said : I don't know the secret to success, but the secret to failure is trying to please everyone.

11. Don't save things for special occasions,everyday is special.

12. Stay fit: Exercises are beneficial. .

13. Honesty is gold:. I remember my dad telling me as a child that there's only way to draw a straight line while no crooked line is the same. In other words, if you speak the truth you won't struggle trying to remember what you said.

14. Don't be ashamed to ask: If you don't ask, you won't receive. .

15. Save money.

16 . Seek eternal validation. By this, I mean a relationship with the all powerful God.

Feel free to post contributions In the comments section. Ultimately, Let's stay focused this 2016 and hold on to things that matter the most.



Happyblacky said...

Nice words of encouragement! Thank you x

Unknown said...

17. Eat healthy, drink lots of water and mind your business.