To do a dull thing with style is better than doing an edgy thing without it.

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29 December 2015

Just Do It !

She was a dreamer. If nothing else, that much was evident. Sitting in the coffee shop sipping her Mocha with a slice of cake she barely ever touched.

With ever so distant eyes, eyes that see and improve on every latent design of the know the kind, the dreamer eyes. Almost like she could see the things no one else could. Lost in her own world with a pen and paper in hand as her flight plan.

I had seen and taken her order 6 days in a row, same time, same seat overlooking the bustling street on a rainy sunday evening. Cascading brown hair beautifully framing her oval face and bouncing on her shoulders, and her eyes, oh those eyes that have taken me thus far close to the edge. One more look and definitely I'd go right over.

I've been meaning to ask what she was about, but my curiosity would have to wait another day I think to myself. For today doesn't look like the day to interrupt art. Yeah, art I've come to consider her as.
She'd come around tomorrow, again I think to myself, for she was a woman on a mission, and I'd be damned if I did not find out what.

Alas, while I was second guessing myself she'd left unnoticed by me. The next day she didn't come around, or the day after and after. I had lost all the chances, all six of them to learn more about dreamer girl. That was my name for her.

Learning a hard life lesson in the process. Procrastination loses more battles than it wins.

So starting today, I shall procrastinate Never again! I dare you dreamer girl to wonder into my life again.